Spotlight Interviews

Charlie Hills


This Spotlight Interview is with our fab Chief Strategy Officer – Charlie Hills.

How did your career path lead you to the role of Chief Strategy Office at Mando?

I’ve been lucky enough to have a fabulous career so far and through-out it there has been a common thread through every role I’ve had and every success I’ve enjoyed. A real and genuine passion for the use of smart data and insight to create brilliant partnerships. I was a very unusual graduate when I was looking for my first role – an extroverted girl who loved maths and people with an Economics degree from Warwick. I was lucky enough to get a place on the prestigious Boots Graduate Scheme, specialising in Marketing. I was very different to the majority – creative humanities or business school grads. At first the difference made me nervous, but I soon found my place.

I had a bit of a crystal ball moment in year 2. I applied my “mathsy-ness” and conducted a range review for the teenage skincare category – leveraging sales data, amazing ‘Data Devolution’ data from Ad Card and a competitive review to identify an opportunity for a new Boots Own naturally focused skincare brand. No-one was more surprised than me when the business signed it off! And then to find the answer – a partnership between 2 natural ingredients – tea tree and witch hazel – the perfect partners. 25 years later the range is still going strong, and I now buy it for my kids! It started it all. Since then, I’ve worked agency, consultancy and client side, for brands big and small across multiple sectors and markets.

I love my job – and I love working at Mando. I’m so proud of what we’ve achieved at Mando-Connect since we founded it in 2017. What a journey!

Who would be your dream brand to work with?

I would love to work with Lego – I am beyond inspired by their ethos, their passion, their innovation and the scale of their ambition. There is so much opportunity in Lego Insider and I would love to help them develop it. And, on a personal level, as a mum of 2, Lego has been a huge part of my life now and the brand is riddled with happy memories – from Duplo playtimes, to Creator building and now the Technic sets that dominates my elder son’s room.

What’s the most interesting data point you have discovered this week?

It’s a great week to ask as we are just publishing the 4th edition of “What the Brits want from loyalty programmes”. My favourite data point is that 97% of the British adult population find at least one loyalty programme appealing – that’s up from 86% 2 years ago. I’m so proud to work in the British loyalty industry – we are getting smarter every year and I love that the public are seeing that change.

What piece of advice would you want to share with anyone wanting to begin a career in Strategy?

Do your homework – it isn’t enough to be smart, you need to be curious and creative with it. Read books, read online content, listen to podcasts, watch videos, get training. Find a mentor. Absorb everything that you can, then think about it and act on it.

If you could have a new skill overnight, what would it be?

Singing. I am an absolutely terrible singer, properly awful – the stuff of nightmares. Karaoke can only be approached once at least 3 tequilas have been consumed, family birthday songs are genuinely terrifying, and, even in the car with the music turned up my kids react in horror when I sing along. I’m pretty certain that I am completely tone deaf. I would love to be able to sing – one of my favourite clients has the most amazing voice and I’m very jealous!

If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would it be?

I grew up travelling around the world with expat parents, and it’s given me a massive case of wanderlust. I love exploring new countries and having new adventures and now the kids are a bit older I’m particularly loving sharing my joy of travel with them. This summer we are heading to Sri Lanka for a big adventure – and who knows where we will go next. I’d love to do a snow holiday I think – northern lights, huskies, glass top igloos. We shall see!

What’s a fact about yourself that surprises people?

That I work part-time. I was one of the first in my industry to work part-time at a senior level and I’ve been working a version of 4 days over 5 for almost 13 years now. During that time I’ve had lots of promotions, led accounts for huge brands, smashed a few glass ceilings, co-founded a very successful agency, parented 2 kids, been a school gate mum and an active member of the PTA, become a Trustee for The Family Holiday Charity, acquired a pug (who now rules my household) and had (and am having) a great career. I am a huge fan of flexible working and it’s something close to our hearts at Mando – we genuinely try to make work work for our team. Balance matters.

What is your favourite quote?

It’s a quote from one of the most inspiring people I have ever met, and it’s about brand partnerships:
“Why wouldn’t you make partnerships the first question you ask? It’s obvious when you think about it. Before you ask “What can we pay for or do that costs money?” you should ask “what symbiotic relationships can we forge?”. It is marketing at its most zen.” – Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of Ogilvy UK

What’s the best advice you have ever been given?

“Be brave Tiger Top” – from my Dad. My parents have always a huge amount of faith in me and, whenever I have a moment this quote still rings in my head. It’s important to take risks and take the leap. When I look back at my life, it’s the scariest moments that have led to the best things.

What’s the last book you read?

“Fourth Wing”. I have a shameful love of science fiction and fantasy books and TV – much to the horror of our amazing Managing Director Jo. And on a work front, I just finished the amazing “Blind Loyalty” from Amanda Cromhout – thoroughly recommend both the book and the cause. And, I’m just about to start “Loyalty Programs” – the second edition by Phil Shelper and team. As I said… always curious, always learning and applying what I learn so that we can do even better work for our clients!

About the author

Spotlight Interviews

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